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Monday, October 6, 2014

My Top 5 All Time Favorite Books

1. Looking For Alaska- John Green

Not only is John Green one of the greatest writers of all time, but he knows exactly how to tug at a reader's heartstrings. John Green is the genius behind The Fault in Our Stars but in my opinion Looking For Alaska packs a greater impact for the everyday person. Looking For Alaska is from the point of Miles Halter, a typical teenage who wants something deeper from life. However, what he finds when he leaves for Culver Creek Boarding School is anything but what he expected. As cliché as that sounds, it's 100% true. I've cried at many books but this one left me gutted. I went through phases of anger, sadness, and various stages of happiness. I recommend that everyone read this book and be able to understand the pure emotion that unveiled in this book. 

2. If I Stay- Gayle Forman 

If I stay is another extremely emotional book. Although If I Stay has been made into a movie, the book is so much better. I cried over and over again until I couldn't cry anymore. The chapters switch between the present and flashbacks and each chapter brings a new wave of emotions. If I Stay tells the story of Mia and Adam two young teenagers who experience extreme trauma. Mia finds herself in a life threatening situation and must decide if she is going to stay and fight or go and pass away. Every girl reading this will long for someone like Adam in their life and every person with a heart will feel for Mia as well as Adam as they endure horrors no person should ever have to experience. I became so enthralled by this book that I never wanted it to end and after finishing it immediately began reading the sequel written from the point of view of Adam called Where She Went which I also highly recommend. Even if sad stories aren't your thing, If I Stay is extremely well written and reflects the importance of family as well as hope.

3. 13 Reasons Why- Jay Asher

13 Reasons Why is a hard book to explain and the best word I can think of is raw. This book follows the story of 13 tapes Hannah made before she committed suicide. These tapes detail why the 13 people the tapes have been sent to are the reasons why she committed suicide. When these tapes show up in Clay's mail he soon discovers all the people and all the actions that contributed to Hannah taking her own life. The most shocking part to Clay is that he's one of the reasons and he must listen to all of the tapes in order to find out why. The truth in the words of this book make it difficult to read at times. It is clear that Hannah is bitter about what people have done to hear and it gives you chills imagining a person putting so much effort into they're last acts. Although Hannah is not real she represents so many people who were mistreated and committed suicide because of torment. Even if you think it's too dark of a subject its worth reading because it will make you laugh, cry, and be thankful for the people in your lives. 

4. My Life Next Door- Huntley Fitzpatrick 

This book is cute and romantic but it anything but a typical romance story. Although this story focuses on Jase and Samantha's relationship, every single person in this book plays a huge role. Most girls know what it's like to see that cute guy and secretly crush on him from the safety of your bedroom window. But in My Life Next Door a crush becomes something more and every girl reading it will wish she had someone like Jase to throw rocks at their window at night. It's a story of young love and focusing on the important things in life and every hopeless romantic will fall head over heels for the love displayed in this book. 

5. The Program- Suzanne Young

Just like the other books The Program is not your everyday love story, however this one is even more different. The Program takes place in the future where suicide has become an epidemic and in order to prevent young people from taking their lives those suspected of being depressed are sent to THE PROGRAM. While there, all memories are taken from them. Sloane and James struggle to protect each other but is it enough to save them from The Program? And if they can't save each other, will they be able to maintain the love they have for each other even without their memories? This book is action-packed and it's romance-filled and makes for an all around good read. 

Monday, September 29, 2014

My First Post!

Welcome to my blog! This blog will be a little bit of everything: books, makeup, clothes, advice, even just life in general! I'm super excited to get started and post lots of fun content. Warning: this blog will be very girly....although not everything I post will be about makeup and clothes I want this blog to be somewhere I can write and post about things I enjoy and frequently the things I enjoy appeal more to other girls. So if you're a girl (or guy) that loves these things too keep reading! I will be posting as much as I can (but no promises on exactly how frequently because I am in school which is very time consuming). I can't wait to get started and I look forward to posting my first real blog post soon! :)